Privacy Policy
Digitalbes Limited is concerned with safeguarding your privacy online. Accordingly, Digitalbes Limited has developed this policy statement to assist you in understanding why Digitalbes Limited collects particular personal identifying information and how Digitalbes Limited will protect your privacy within its Web site (the “Privacy Policy”). By making you aware of Digitalbes Limited’s data collection and use practices, we can provide you with better service.
The following information summarizes our identifying information gathering and dissemination practices for Digitalbes Limited Nigeria Web site located at the URL,, and any other site provided by Digitalbes Limited (collectively, the “Site”). Personal identifying information includes information that can be linked to a specific individual, such as a name, address, phone number, or e-mail address.
Digitalbes Limited reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If Digitalbes Limited makes changes to this Privacy Policy, Digitalbes Limited will post those changes at this location and provide you with notice of any material changes so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically.
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, references to “Digitalbes Limited” shall also include
What Information Does Digitalbes Limited Collect?
To improve the quality of the products and services Digitalbes Limited offers to you and to operate the Site, Digitalbes Limited collects various personal identifying information (as described below) from different parts of its Site. Digitalbes Limited gathers most information during the registration process to use Digitalbes Limited services and products. But, Digitalbes Limited may request personally identifying information at other times, including, but not limited to, when you report a problem with our Site, when you complete survey forms when you enter into a transaction through the Site when you request to receive communications from Digitalbes Limited, and when you post information on the Site.
Below, we provide examples of the types of personal identifying information Digitalbes Limited collects through the Site. Again, please be aware that the type of data collected by Digitalbes Limited will vary with your use of the Site.
Contact Information: Digitalbes Limited may request or require contact and other personally identifying information, such as your name, address, phone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address.
Demographic Information: Digitalbes Limited may collect demographic and profile data (for example, job title, job position, and technical computer or Internet connection information) at our Site for management and monitoring purposes and to improve the quality of Digitalbes Limited services. In addition, Digitalbes Limited may collect demographic and profile data in connection with surveys it conducts for its internal administrative purposes or release to third parties.
Transactional Information: Digitalbes Limited may maintain a database of aggregated information about the transactions on the Site (e.g., offer/request data, product/service categories, and product/service prices).
Technical Information: We also collect Internet Protocol (IP) addresses from all users of our Site and may catalog the type of computer, browser, or operating system used by the user.
How Does Digitalbes Limited Use That Information?
The Site offers two different levels of service: (1) a members-only section (the “Members Only Section”); and (2) publicly available information areas. Consequently, until you register to access a Members Only area, you can browse the Site without providing any personal identifying information. In particular, you do not need to register with Digitalbes Limited or submit any personal identifying information to view the information in those sections of the Site that are publicly accessible, such as the About Digitalbes Limited, Public Policy, and Newsroom sections. Entry will be permitted without any need to login, although your browser may tell us what type of computer and operating system you are using as well as other kinds of technical information.
Only the Members Only Section requires that you register with Digitalbes Limited. Accordingly, if you wish to become a member, you will need to agree to provide your personally-identifying information to be used as discussed below. In addition, if you wish to receive information from Digitalbes Limited, order products and services from Digitalbes Limited, be included in the Digitalbes Limited member directory, and/or participate and receive the results of surveys, then Digitalbes Limited will need to receive your personal identifying information, and in particular, your name and e-mail address for communication purposes. Please note, however, that the Digitalbes Limited member directory lists a registered member’s name, e-mail address, and certain demographic information such as title, employer, office phone number, and office address.
When you provide personally-identifying information to Digitalbes Limited, you share that information only with Digitalbes Limited, unless (i) you are using Digitalbes Limited’ services as a part of a third party Web site (in which case information sharing between such third party and Digitalbes Limited will take place for the third party to offer Digitalbes Limited’ services); (ii) you are completing a transaction involving third-party services, such as viewing the Digitalbes Limited scorecard through Others, in which case information sharing will be necessary to enable the transaction to take place; or (iii) it is specifically stated otherwise.
Below, is more detail on how Digitalbes Limited uses your personal identifying information.
Contact Information: Digitalbes Limited may use your contact information to provide its goods and services, to share your information with others as a part of the Members Only online directory, to advertise its goods and services and the goods and services of third parties, to create a personalized experience for you, to provide you with news and information, to contact you regarding a survey, to complete a transaction for goods and services, and to get in touch with you when necessary concerning transactions conducted through the Site, material changes in our Site’s policies, new services Digitalbes Limited may offer, or otherwise. We do not share your contact information with other types of third parties for any other purpose, except to a court or governmental agency if required by law.
Survey Results: Digitalbes Limited may share, lease rent, license, and/or sell survey results and aggregated demographic data collected through the Site with the general public, the news media, and with the Nigerian Government and state governments, not only as may be required by law, but also to participate in government programs and initiatives.
Technical Information: We use technical information, such as your IP address or browser type, to help diagnose problems with our servers, analyze Site usage trends, track user movements on the Site, and otherwise manage and monitor our Site.
Business Partners: Digitalbes Limited has partnered with reputable third parties to offer you a variety of products and services and as noted above, does share certain of your personal identifying information (as indicated above) with such business partners. Following these business arrangements, Digitalbes Limited wishes to remind you that such third parties may have different privacy policies and practices than Digitalbes Limited. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of our business partners to further understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing your information.
Business Transactions: If Digitalbes Limited goes through a business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, please note that the personal identifying information collected and retained by Digitalbes Limited will be among the assets transferred. In the event, a transaction of this kind occurs that results in the transfer of personal identifying information, Digitalbes Limited will notify you via e-mail and place a prominent notice on the Site for 30 days of any such change in ownership or control and the possible changes to this Privacy Policy.
What About The Use Of Cookies?
Digitalbes Limited may use cookies to enhance your experience while using our Site. Cookies are pieces of information, which Digitalbes Limited uses for record-keeping purposes, which the Site transfers to your computer’s Web-browser for storage on your computer’s hard drive.
Cookies enable Digitalbes Limited to customize your experience on the Site. Cookies also make Web-surfing easier by automatically performing certain functions such as saving your personal preferences and by ensuring that you don’t see the same advertisement repeatedly.
Digitalbes Limited, however, will not use cookies to record passwords or credit cards, or other financial information. Moreover, you can delete any cookies residing on your hard drive by following the instructions for your Web browser.
Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard. Consequently, your Web browser is likely set to accept cookies. If you would prefer not to receive cookies, however, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, you should understand that it is possible that some areas of our Site will not function properly when you view them.
What About External Or Third-Party Websites?
To the extent hyperlinks or gateways are utilized to access external or third-party sites, you should be aware that these external or third-party sites are not controlled by Digitalbes Limited and therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy. Digitalbes Limited suggests that you check the privacy policies of these sites to determine how the proprietors of these third-party sites will utilize your personal identifying information.
What About Security?
Digitalbes Limited places a premium on making sure that personal identifying information remains private and secure and is not subject to misuse or manipulation. Accordingly, this Site has industry-standard security measures in place, including storage of personal identifying information in a secure environment, to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under Digitalbes Limited control. Although Digitalbes Limited has endeavoured to create a secure and reliable Site, the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted via the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, you should consider carefully if you want to submit sensitive information via the Internet. Digitalbes Limited urges you to take every precaution to protect your personal identifying information when online.
What About “Opting Out” Of Data Collection And Use?
The collection, use, and distribution of your personal identifying information are necessary for Digitalbes Limited to provide certain products and services and to operate the Site. For example, all users who register for the Members Only Section and/or seek to receive from Digitalbes Limited its products will need to agree to Digitalbes Limited use and collection of personal identifying information. Once registered with the Members Only Section, Digitalbes Limited maintains your information so long as you are registered for Digitalbes Limited services at this Site.
But, several Digitalbes Limited other programs are completely voluntary and you can decide on your own if you wish to participate or opt-out. For example, if Digitalbes Limited conducts a survey, you do not have to participate unless you agree to do so and provide your e-mail address for Digitalbes Limited to communicate with you.
Digitalbes Limited also provides you with the opportunity to opt-out of certain Digitalbes Limited business practices where your personally identifying information may be used. Specifically, users may opt-out of including the personal identifying information they provide to Digitalbes Limited in connection with the following activities: (i) inclusion on the Digitalbes Limited member directory, (ii) inclusion in member mailings, (iii) e-mail communications sent by Digitalbes Limited, (iv) facsimile communications sent by Digitalbes Limited, and (v) lease, rental, or sharing arrangements with Digitalbes Limited business partners (when not done to conclude e-commerce transactions that you execute with Digitalbes Limited for its products and services).
Thus, to a large extent, you can control the information you provide or share with Digitalbes Limited and/or its business partners. Moreover, even when Digitalbes Limited contacts you, from time to time, regarding its products/services, this Site, or otherwise, if Digitalbes Limited sends you such a communication, Digitalbes Limited specifically provides you with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving similar future correspondence by sending an e-mail to
What About Correcting, Deleting, Or Updating Information?
At any time, you may contact Digitalbes Limited to correct, modify, or delete the information you provide to Digitalbes Limited through this Site, namely, your name, e-mail address, phone number, or address. In addition to the ability to make direct changes to the information stored in connection with your user/member profile, you may also e-mail with any requests or changes. Moreover, when you cease to use Digitalbes Limited services and no longer wish to be included in Digitalbes Limited database, you may contact Digitalbes Limited at to request to have your information removed from our database.
If Digitalbes Limited receives such a request or change, Digitalbes Limited may require you to confirm or verify any change to your record. Please note, however, that the collection and uses of certain personally-identifying information are necessary to provide certain products and services through the Site and the deletion of such necessary information, e.g., an e-mail address, may render a particular service or Digitalbes Limited ability to provide it inoperable.
What About Children?
Digitalbes Limited cares about the safety of children on its Site and encourages parents and guardians to monitor their children’s use of the Internet. Although the Site is suitable for a general audience, this Site is intended for use only by users who are over 18 years of age. Accordingly, Digitalbes Limited does not knowingly solicit personal identifying information from children or send them requests for personal information.
What About Any Other Questions?
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the information collection and dissemination practices of this Site or Digitalbes Limited use of your personal identifying information, you can contact Digitalbes Limited at